Notre Mission

Gagner, Edifier et Envoyer des disciples multiplicateurs centré sur le Christ
Comment nous cherchons à parcourir avec tout le monde vers une relation avec Jésus.
Ce que nous croyons en l’Évangile et notre appel à desservir tous les pays.
Lorsque l’église mondiale se réunit ensuite puissant choses peuvent arriver.
Menant de valeurs tellement d’autres marcheront passionnément avec Dieu à croître et à porter ses fruits.
Comprendre comment vous pouvez connaître Dieu personnellement.
Expliquer les connaissances de base sur ce que croient les chrétiens.
Obtenir les réponses aux questions fréquemment posées sur les pratiques et les croyances chrétiennes.
Découvrez les réponses aux questions les plus importants de la vie.
Nous avons tous une histoire. Découvrez les personnes qui ont été transformées par la foi.
Aider les étudiants à connaître Jésus, grandir dans leur foi et allez dans le monde pour dire aux autres.
Connecting in community for the well-being of the city.
Partnering with urban churches to meet physical and spiritual needs.
Atteindre les perdus en se servant de l'outil digital
Prendre la prochaine étape dans votre voyage de foi avec les dévotions, les ressources et les vérités de base.
Explorer les questions de la vie des essais et épreuves pour la datation et le mariage.
Trouver des ressources pour le personnel ou d’un groupe d’étude de la Bible.
Understand evangelism and strategies to help share your faith story.
Help others in their faith journey through discipleship and mentoring.
Develop your leadership skills and learn how to launch a ministry wherever you are.
View our top Cru resources in more than 20 languages.
Cru est le nom de Campus Crusade for Christ International aux États-Unis. Voici un aperçu de notre ministère international.
Gagner, Edifier et Envoyer des disciples multiplicateurs centré sur le Christ
Bâtir des Mouvements Partout afin que l'on connaisse quelqu'un qui suit réellement Jésus
5 300 Aider les étudiants à venir à connaître Jésus, grandir dans leur foi et aller à leurs familles, les communautés et le monde de partager l’amour de Dieu. 35 Citoyens de Royaume faire avancer la mission de Jésus pour le bien-être de la ville 109 Équiper les couples ayant des approches concrètes, axées sur les écritures aux problèmes réels par le biais de conférences, émissions et des ressources. 125 Josh McDowell a parlé à plus de 25.000.000 personnes et est l’auteur de 142 livres dans plus de 100 langues 25 Grâce à des partenariats, Global Aid Network soulage les souffrances, restaure la dignité et révèle l’espoir aux personnes vivant dans les endroits les plus difficiles au monde. 1 625 Aider à fournir des outils médiatiques, formations, stratégies et ressources abondantes suivi par l’évangélisation dans toutes les langues nécessairesNos ministères
Campus de
Ministères dans le monde entier
Villes à travers les États-Unis.
Josh McDowell
Réseau global de l’aide
Projet de Film de Jésus
As a student at Fuller Theological Seminary, studying late one night for a Greek exam, Bill Bright receives a unique impression from God to invest his life in helping reach the entire world, starting with college students. A professor friend suggests “Campus Crusade for Christ” as the name of the new ministry. In the fall, Bill and his wife, Vonette, start Campus Crusade (now known as Cru in the U.S.) at UCLA with the backing of a 24-hour prayer chain.
More than 250 UCLA students receive Christ, including the student-body president, campus-newspaper editor and many athletes, including Rafer Johnson, later an Olympic gold-medalist in the decathlon. Cru spreads to other schools, and to meet the need, the Brights accept their first six staff members.
Bill Bright writes “God's Plan for Your Life.” This 20-minute evangelistic presentation, required memorization for staff members, sets the tone for the development of Cru's revolutionary training in evangelism and discipleship.
Cru becomes international as Dr. Joon Gon Kim launches the work in South Korea. Over the next 40 years, South Korea moves from a missionary-receiving nation to one that sends them, with 271 Korean Campus Crusade for Christ staff members and disciples serving in 23 other countries around the world today.
The first Lay Institute for Evangelism takes the evangelism and discipleship training from the campus ministry and adapts it to a church context.
At the eleventh hour, God provides every last penny for the purchase of Arrowhead Springs. The resort complex in San Bernardino, CA, becomes Cru's headquarters for the next three decades.
André Kole becomes a Cru staff member and develops an evangelistic illusion show. The André Kole Ministry becomes Cru's first “special ministry,” preceding such divisions as Athletes in Action, Student Venture, the Josh McDowell Ministry and FamilyLife.
Bill Bright takes what he describes as “the distilled essence of the gospel” and writes a booklet called Have You Heard of the Four Spiritual Laws? Today the booklet has been translated into more than 200 languages, and more than 2.5 billion copies have been distributed worldwide.
With contemporary music lyrics gaining significance in youth culture through performers like The Beatles and Bob Dylan, Cru develops its own life-changing music group. The New Folk helps lead many to a personal relationship with Christ through carefully designed concerts incorporating secular music.
Cru staff members and 600 students converge on the University of California at Berkeley for one week of confronting the hotbed of radical campus activism with the radical message of the gospel. More than 700 students and faculty members receive Christ. The “Berkeley Blitz” ends with Billy Graham preaching at the campus Greek Theatre.
Cru staff members and others converge at the Cotton Bowl in Dallas for EXPLO ‘72. This landmark conference features evangelism and discipleship training, contemporary music concerts, and lots of rain. Read more about what happened at this historic event.
More than 300,000 delegates attend EXPLO ‘74 in Seoul, South Korea. Police officially estimate a crowd of 1.5 million at one of the evening meetings; 323,000 of them indicate decisions to receive Christ.
From 1976 to 1980, approximately 85 percent of Americans receive some exposure to the “I Found It!” campaign, which mobilizes more than 300,000 Christians from 15,000 churches in 246 cities for organized evangelism.
Athletes in Action, Cru's sports ministry, makes national news when its men's basketball team crushes collegiate powers Nevada-Las Vegas and San Francisco. UNLV coach Jerry Tarkanian, referring to AIA's evangelistic presentations at halftime, quips, “They beat you up in the first half, pray for you at halftime, then beat you up in the second half.”
JESUS, a film account of the life of Christ, premieres in 250 theaters. Based on the Gospel of Luke, JESUS is filmed at 202 locations in Israel, incorporating a cast of more than 5,000. The film becomes the most-translated motion picture in history-more than 974 languages, 5.5 billion viewers and 201.6 million decisions for Christ as of January 2007.
Cru sends its first team of students to the Soviet Union. Under the code name “Northstar,” this summer mission project highlights an influx of covert ministry activity in Eastern Europe, which accelerates openly after the fall of the Iron Curtain.
More than 17,000 college students, Cru staff members and exhibitors, as well as Billy Graham, brave arctic conditions and icy roads to meet in Kansas City, MO, for KC 83, an evangelism and discipleship training conference.
EXPLO 85, a worldwide video conference, links an estimated 300,000 delegates at 98 conference sites on five continents, with the help of 18 satellites. Bill Bright defies jet lag while spending one day on all five continents.
Cru launches New Life 2000®. This initiative brings Cru ministries under one umbrella in cooperation with Christians worldwide, with a goal of helping lead at least 1 billion people to Christ.
Vonette introduces the legislation that President Ronald Reagan signs to officially declare the first Thursday in May the National Day of Prayer. Vonette Bright serves as co-chairwoman in its first year. Cru later turns over leadership of the event to Shirley Dobson and Focus on the Family.
Representatives from 102 countries converge on Manila over a six-month period. During the New Life 2000: Manila project, more than 5,000 people (only 11 percent of them Americans) present the gospel to 3.3 million Filipinos, with 447,000 indicating decisions to receive Christ.
Cru's world headquarters moves from California to Florida. After 30 years at Arrowhead Springs in San Bernardino, the ministry relocates to Orlando.
The CoMission unites more than 60 Christian organizations, including Cru, in the pursuit of making the most of the new-found spiritual openness in the former Soviet Union. The CoMission foreshadows the explosion of cooperative efforts in the church at large, such as The Macedonian Project and Mission America.
Bill Bright fasts for 40 days, and issues a call for prayer and fasting for revival in America. More than 600 Christian leaders meet in Orlando, FL, for the first Prayer and Fasting Conference. In 1998, thousands join the conference through 4,100 satellite downlinks.
Cru's U.S. National Staff Conference becomes a world staff conference, as staff members representing 171 other nations attend and find their faith inspired.
Bill Bright announces Steve Douglass, executive vice president and director of U.S. Ministries, as his successor, effective August 2001.
In response to the September 11 attacks on America, Cru produces the evangelistic magazine Fallen but Not Forgotten. The 16-page remembrance piece was distributed to more than 10 million people by hundreds of churches and Christian organizations.
Operation Sunrise Africa mobilizes Christians in 22 African countries. Believers from India, the Philippines, Singapore, France and the United States join thousands of Africans in the strategy to proclaim the gospel in 50 cities in 50 days. Sixty-four million people heard the gospel, 1.7 million indicated decisions to receive Christ and 81 new churches were planted.
Fifty-two years after founding the world's largest Christian ministry, Bill Bright dies at age 81.
Many of Josh McDowell's books have been translated into 65 languages. It takes just 30 languages to reach three-quarters of the world's population.
During Spring Break, at least 10,000 students participate in Hurricane Katrina relief efforts in New Orleans and Pass Christian, Miss.
The evangelistic website, is translated into 27 languages and has more than 5 million visitors, with 400 indicating decisions to know Christ per day.
Jesus Film Project releases Magdalena: Released From Shame, the story of Jesus told from the perspective of Mary Magdalene. It has now been shown in 34 countries, including 8 on national television.
Global Aid Network responded to the January 12 earthquake in Haiti by immediately distributing 1 million pre-packaged meals, and following up with medical and trauma care teams, and additional shipments of food, water filters, hygiene items, blankets, tents and mobility units (wheelchairs, walkers and crutches). In the first six months, GAiN shipped 40 containers of aid worth $6.5 million, and distributed more than 5.3 million meals.
Campus Crusade for Christ becomes Cru in the U.S.
Nearly 1,500 Cru staff members and volunteers from more than 30 countries participated in the Heartbeat Tallinn event in Estonia’s capital city. By the end, some 15,000 Estonians heard the message of God’s love for them.
Jesus Film Project has seen more than 10 million views of their films digitally. They have also seen more than 100,000 installs of the Jesus Film Media app between iPhone and Android.
Steve Douglass
Année de création
1951, par Bill et Vonette Bright sur le campus de l’UCLA comme « Campus Crusade for Christ »
Présence internationale
Présence de ministère dans 191 pays
Certification de 501 c 3
Membre fondateur du Conseil évangélique de responsabilisation financière
Accra, Ghana
Lomé, Togo
Bangalore, Inde
Budapest, Hongrie
Kandern, Allemagne
Orlando, Floride, é.-u.
Paris, France
Harare, Zimbabwe
Quezon City, Philippines
Singapour, Singapour
San Jose, Costa Rica
Vancouver, Colombie-Britannique
Cru (ministère américain)
100 lac Hart Drive
Orlando, FL 32832
Campus Crusade for Christ International
100 lac Hart Drive
Orlando, FL 32832
(888) 278-7233
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